20. 02. 2025 13:00

Erhard Irmer » Crystallography in School?!"

34th ECA Lunch webinar

Free registration required

Online link: www.eventbrite.com

Location: online

The study of crystallography and the introduction to X-ray structure analysis is generally regarded as the task of universities, and even then, usually only in graduate studies. What are the arguments in favour of teaching crystallography already at school? Is it possible and useful to reduce the complex theory behind the method to a level that students at school can understand? Which crystallographic topics should be focussed on? What role does knowledge of symmetry play?

The ECA-GIG-03 ‘Education in Crystallography’ has taken up these questions and gave them special emphasis with a half-day workshop ‘Crystallography in School’ as a satellite meeting at ECM 34 in Padova, and there will also be another workshop at the upcoming ECM in Poznan. As a board member of GIG 03, I would like to address some of the above-mentioned questions in my presentation. These are questions that arise in a similar way when working with undergraduates at university. I will present examples from working with students in chemistry lessons at school or in the school laboratory to illustrate the possibilities, but also the limitations, of teaching crystallographic topics to pupils of this age.

Seminar on Structure Analysis

Group of Structure analysis organizes a regular seminar.

Usually, we meet at
Tuesday, 14:00
in seminar room F 052
Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2.

You are welcome to join us!

If you wish to receive regular updates on fothcoming seminars, contact M. Dopita.