26. 04. 2024 13:00

Prof. Mark A. Novotny » Quantum Computing 2024

Mississippi State University

Note that this is a special seminar in an irregular time and takes place in F155.

Location: Room F155 first floor Ke Karlovu 5

The first part of this informal seminar will focus on an introduction to quantum computing. A (biased) brief history of quantum computing will be presented. The central application discussed will be using NISQ quantum computers for ML (machine learning).

The second part of this informal seminar will present my biased view of where the most prominent US companies for quantum computing hardware are on their technology roadmaps. The companies discussed will include (in alphabetical order) D-Wave, Google, IBM, Infleqtion, IonQ, Microsoft, and Quantinuum.

Seminar on Condensed Matter Theory

Group of Theoretical Physics organizes a regular seminar on theory of condensed matter physics.

Usually, we meet
every Thursdays at 13:00
Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2.

You are welcome to join us!

If you wish to receive regular updates on fothcoming seminars, contact K. Carva.