Rahul Kesarwani, Ph.D.
- Group
- Physics Of Nanostructures Group
- Phone
- 95155 2885
- rahul.kesarwani@matfyz.cuni.cz
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Family name, first name: Kesarwani, Rahul
ID: 0000–0002–6030–9726
2012– 2019 Ph.D. in Physics, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati (Assam), India.
2009–2011 M.Sc. in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj (U.P), India.
2006–2009 B.Sc. in Science (Physics and Mathematics), University of Allahabad, Prayagraj (U.P), India.
Professional Experience
01/2020–02/2022 -Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Light-matter interaction (Gaussian
and Laguerre-Gaussian beams), van der Waals materials, linear and
properties of nanostructures, two-photon absorption, wavefront
2012– 2017 IIT Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Doctoral Fellowship.
2020– 2022 MOST-Taiwan Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Bipul Das, Yu-Fan Chiang, Wen-Hao Chang, Yen-Chun Chen, Rahul Kesarwani, Wen-Cheng Ke, Yann-Wen Lan, Ting-Hua and Lu, „Phonon polarization deformation in graphene induced by substrate coupling strengths“, applied physics letter 122, 032201 (2022).
- Nagendra Kumar, Biswajit Pathak, Rahul Kesarwani, Sumit Goswami, Alika Khare Boruah, and Bosanta R., “Experimental demonstration of in situ surface and thickness profile measurements of thin film during deposition using a grating array-based wavefront sensor”, Optics letter 47, 5509 (2022).
- Rahul Kesarwani, K.B Simbulan, T.D Huang, Y.F Chiang, N.C Yeh, Y.W Lan and T.H Lu, “Control of Trion-to Exciton Conversion in Monolayer WS2 by Orbital Angular Momentum of Light,” Science Advances 8, 1–8 (2022).
- Rahul Kesarwaniand A. Khare, Effect of annealing on the stoichiometry and plasmonic properties of PLD nanostructured semi-transparent copper thin film using BEMA, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33, 18209–18219 (2022).
- NB Bhagat, PP Padghan, Rahul Kesarwani, A Khare, KM Alti, “Electronic Speckle Pattern Interference Technique for measuring thickness of metallic nano thin films”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 50, 123 (2022).
- Rahul Kesarwani, P. P. Dey, and A. Khare, “Correlation between surface scaling behavior and surface plasmon resonance properties of semitransparent nanostructured Cu thin films deposited via PLD”, RSC Adv 9, 7967 (2019).
- Rahul Kesarwani, and A. Khare, “Assessment of interfacial layer thickness of pulsed laser deposited plasmonic copper thin films via Spectroscopic Ellipsometer”, Optical Materials 93, 98 (2019).
- Rahul Kesarwani, and A. Khare, “SPR and NLO behavior of pulsed laser deposited semitransparent Cu thin film”, Appl. Phy. B 124, 116 (2018).
- Partha P. Dey, Rahul Kesarwani, and A. Khare, “Efficacy of Raman mapping over ellipsometric spectroscopy and XRD for characterization of structurally heterogeneous PLD nc-Si thin films”, Optical Materials 48, 221 (2018).
Conference publication:
- Rahul Kesarwani, and A. Khare, “Compositional Study of Pulsed Laser deposited Semitransparent Cu Thin Film using BEMA”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1942, 080045 (2017).
- Rahul Kesarwani, H. Chaturvedi, A. Khare, “Plasmonic interaction between copper nanoparticles and metallic single walled carbon nanotubes”, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 18(2016).
- G Pradhan, Rahul Kesarwani, A. Khare, A.K Sharma, “Thickness dependent optical properties of MoS2 thin films probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry”, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 14 (2016).
Book chapter:
Rahul Kesarwani, Partha P Dey and Alika Khare, “Anomalous Scaling Behavior of Cu Film via Pulsed Laser Deposition and Correlation with SPR Properties,” Advances in Science and Technology Volume-II, McGraw Hill Education Chapter 11, 61 (2020).
International patent:
“System, apparatus and method for monitoring of surface profile and thickness measurement in thin films”
- US patent: Bosanta Ranjan Boruah, Alika Khare, Biswajit Pathak and Rahul Kesarwani, Patent Application No.: 16/061,615, Publication No.: US 2020/0024727 A1, Publication Date: 23/01/2020.
- Japanese patent: Bosanta Ranjan Boruah, Alika Khare, Biswajit Pathak and Rahul Kesarwani, Patent Application No.: JP, 2018–549636, Registration No.: JP6838075B2, Grant Date: 03/03/2021.
Selected conference presentations:
- 13th international conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India; poster “Plasmonic interaction between copper nanoparticles and metallic single walled carbon nanotubes” December 2016.
- International Conference on Sophisticated Instruments in Modern Research, IIT Guwahati, India; oral presentation “Characterization of PLD thin film via spectroscopic ellipsometry” July 2017.
- Research conclave- 2019, IIT Guwahati, India; poster “Photoluminescence of semitransparent nanostructure copper thin film fabricated via PLD” March 2019.
- Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan-2022, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan; poster (co-author) “Polarization-resolved Raman spectrum of graphene on different substrates” January 2022.
- Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan-2022, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan; oral presentation (co-author) “Polarization-resolved Raman scattering of MoS2 under different coupling strength with substrates” January 2022.
- Teaching assistant at IIT Guwahati, Guwahati (India): B. Tech 1st Year Physics Lab course (2 Semesters), B. Tech 4th years Physics Lab course (1 Semester). July 2013 – December 2014.
- Treasurer of the SPIE IITG student chapter (2015–2016).
Structured light generation (Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian beams), Coupling of structured light into spectroscopic experiments, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy, Pulsed laser deposition of thin films and plasmonic nanostructures, Growth and transfer of van der Waals materials, Electrical resistivity measurements. Spectroscopic ellipsometry, Z-scan set-up (third harmonic analysis), and Atomic Force Microscopy.
Origin and OriginPro (OriginLab), Matlab & Simulink (MathWorks).