doc. RNDr. Jan Prokleška, Ph.D.
- Group
- Magnetic Properties Group
- Phone
- 95155 2772
- Home page
- Teaching Schedule Exams
- Supervised and assigned theses
- Room / building
C 133,
1st floor,
Kryogenní pavilon,
V Holešovičkách 747/2, Praha 8 - ORCID
- 0000-0003-3246-5112
- ResearcherID
- B-8814-2017
- Scopus
- 8418018600

- 1998 – 2003: master's degree at Charles University (solid state physics) Magnetoelastic effects in Er(Co,X)2 compounds, X=p–element
- 2003 – 2008: PhD at Charles University (Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Research), dissertation thesis Cohesive and magnetoelastic properties of materials with strongly correlated electrons
- 2022: habilitation, habilitation thesis Magnetism in UTX compounds
- exercises to lecture NOFY025 – Atomic Physics and Electronic Structure of Matter
- lectures NFPL550 – Thermal Capacity of Solids, NFPL122 – Magnetic Properties of Solids and NFPL064 – Principles of Physics II – Electromagnetism and Optics
- practical courses NOFY130 – Practical Course IV – Atomic and Nuclear Physics and NFPL217 – Experimental Methods in Physics
- supervision of bacheolor [1], diploma [1, 2, 3] and disseration [1, 2] theses in the fields of research interests
Research interests
- experimental investigation of the intermetallic compounds on the verge of magnetism (mainly Ce and U based)
- investigation of coupling between different (lattice, magnetic, electronic, dipolar) degrees of freedom
- improvement of respective instrumentation
Involvement in projects
- head of large research infrastructure MGML (LM2023065) and related modernization project, team member GAČR 22–22322S
- local contact for the dual acces mode to EMFL employed within the ISABEL consorcium
- past PI of GAČR 16–06422S and 202/09/P354, GAUK 201/2006/B-FYZ/MFF, FRVŠ 1026/G6