We are a group of researchers with expertise in theoretical condensed matter physics. We apply the principles of quantum and statistical physics to a wide range of materials, molecules and nanostructures. Our effort is aimed at interpreting, understanding and designing experiments at our department, in the Czech Republic and in laboratories worldwide. Our day-to-day routine may include brainstorming ideas, working out the formulas with pencil and paper, coding them in state-of-the-art computational tools and even operating high-performance computers.

Students studying with us are quickly introduced to cutting-edge topics like machine learning, topological insulators and materials for quantum computing.

Upcoming seminars

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Listed student projects

  • Investigation of phase transitions with machine learning techniques
  • Hybrid quantum-classical systems
  • Neural network quantum states for strongly correlated electron systems
  • Spin dynamics in chiral molecules
  • Superconducting quantum dots out of equilibrium


Email us

Charles University
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Praha 2
Czech Republic

phone: +420 95155 1393
fax: +420 22491 1061