Opportunities for students in our group

Dear Students,

We are happy that you are considering joining our research group via a research project in theoretical physics. Below you can find list of open themes for doctotal, master and bachelor theses or eventually projects for the students of the 1st and 2nd year. If you are interested in any of the listed themes or if you have your own proposals, please, do not hesitate and contact directly the supervisor. We look forward to our scientific collaboration.

Doctoral theses

  • Interaction of ultrafast and ultrastrong optical pulses with novel materials
    Interakce ultrarychlých a ultrasilných optických pulsů s novými materiály
    supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Tomáš Novotný, Ph.D.
    More info
  • Conductance of molecular junctions from ab-initio in the GW approximation
    Vodivost molekulárních spojů v ab-initio GW přiblížení
    supervisor: Ing. Richard Korytár, Ph.D.
    More info
  • Quantum-classical systems out-of-equilibrium
    Systémy, které kombinují kvantové a klasické stupně volnosti v nerovnováze
    supervisor: RNDr. Martin Žonda, Ph.D.
    More info
  • Unsupervised phase classification for quantum matter
    Klasifikace fází bez dozoru pro kvantové systémy
    supervisor: RNDr. Martin Žonda, Ph.D.
    More info
  • We have many more ideas for doctoral theses, don't hesitate to contact us directly.
    If you have inquiries about administrative procedures and admission, contact Mrs. Zádrapová.
    Don't get discouraged by the information on the faculty webpage, it is under construction.

Diploma theses

Bachelor theses