22. 02. 2024 13:00

doc. RNDr. Karel Carva, Ph.D. et al. » Special seminar on lectures related to condensed matter theory


Location: Lecture room - F2, MFF UK (first floor, Ke Karlovu 5, Praha 2)

On behalf of the Condensed Matter Theory Seminar organizers I have the pleasure to invite you to a special seminar devoted to presentation of several lectures interesting for condensed matter theory students. 
The following lecturers will participate:
Mgr. Jiří Klimeš, Ph.D.
They will present a brief overview of their own lectures on these topics:
- Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, 
- Classical and quantum statistical physics of molecular systems
- Topological properties of light and matter
- Ab initio methods
- Electron Transport in Quantum Systems
- Machine learning in physics
- etc.
Seminar on Condensed Matter Theory

Group of Theoretical Physics organizes a regular seminar on theory of condensed matter physics.

Usually, we meet
every Thursdays at 13:00
Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2.

You are welcome to join us!

If you wish to receive regular updates on fothcoming seminars, contact K. Carva.