08. 07. 2024

ILL Scientific Members Meeting 2024

ILL Scientific Members Meeting 2024

The annual Scientific Members Meeting of the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL; Grenoble, France) was organized at the Burg Obbendorf in a close proximity of the Jülich Forschungzentrum, Germany. Respective ILL directors reported on recent and long-term ILL scientific, instrumental and reactor activities and operation; along with detailed plans and strategies for further development of the facility. A rich discussion on the introduced topics was followed by reports from representatives of 10 scientific members (AT, CH, CZ, DK, ES, IT, PL, SE, SK, SLO) about the current state of neutron communities in individual countries and their involvement in the ILL. Several requirements and recommendations for the ILL Steering Committee and ILL Associates (D, FR, UK) were formulated. The meeting was concluded with a visit to the Jülich Forschungzentrum, specifically the Quantum Computing JUNIQ facility and High Brilliance Neutron Source.

Czech Republic was represented by our colleague Milan Klicpera (DCMP).