doc. RNDr. Jiří Prchal, Ph.D.
- Group
- Magnetic Properties Group
- Phone
- 95155 1652
- Home page
- Teaching Schedule Exams
- Supervised and assigned theses
- Room / building
F 062,
ground floor,
Ke Karlovu 5,
Ke Karlovu 2026/5, Praha 2 - ORCID
- 0000-0002-2709-7012
- ResearcherID
- Q-1914-2017
- Scopus
- 8378120400

doc. RNDr. Jiří Prchal, PhD. (nar. 1978)
I am experimental physicist with focus on the properties of solids at low temperatures, magnetic fields and (my most favorite) external pressures.
- 1993–1997: high school Gymnázium Zborovská (recently Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera), Prague
- 1997–2002: Charles University, Faculty of Math and Phys, Solid State Physics; diploma thesis: “Experimental study of electronic properties of the system RT(1-x)T’(x)Al”
- 2002–2006: Ph.D. at Charles University, Faculty of Math and Phys; thesis: “Study of magnetic properties of RT1(1-x)T2(x)Al compounds” (
- 2022: habilitation thesis “Pressure impact on physical behavior of intermetallics” (
Abroad experience:
- 2003: HMI Berlin, Germany (2 months)
- 2004: ILL/ESRF/CNRS/CEA Grenoble, France (6 weeks; HERCULES course)
- 2004–2005: 12-months stay in National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Tsukuba, Japan
- 2007–2008: 6-months stay in ITU Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2010: ILL/ESRF 1-week specialized Hercules course, dedicated to study of matter using neutron and synchrotron radiation upon application of high pressures
Grant projects:
- FRVŠ 1842/G6, GAUK 282/2004/B-FYZ/MFF, GAČR 202/07/P153, GAČR P204/15–03777S (co-investigator)
- Leader of 5 student grant projects GAUK (GAUK1584017, GAUK188115, GAUK368115, GAUK546214, GAUK358121 (evaluated as “Extremely good”)
Publication activity (overall / last 5 years):
35/9 presentations on international conferences (6/3 oral), co-author of 82/22 papers in impacted journals (h-index acording to WOS: 12, number of citations: 359, without self-citations: 234)Conferences organization:
- SCES2017, JdA2015, ECNS2011 – member of the local organization committee
- EHPRG2019 – conference chair (
Teaching at FMP CU:
- Lectures “Magnetic Properties of Solids”, “High Pressure Physics”
- Lecture “Principles of Physics I – General Physics and Classical Mechanics” – interfaculty study program Science (
- Practicals “Practical Course I – Mechanics and Molecular Physics”, “Practical Course III – Optics”
- Supervisor of (successfully defended) 8 Bc., 5 MSc. and 2 Ph.D. theses
Professional interest:
Magnetism in rare-earth and uranium based intermetallics, magnetic structure determination using neutron diffraction, study of physical properties under pressure, high-pressure experimental techniques.