Archiv Seminářů

talk: Hiraku Saito In-plane anisotropy of the single-q and multiple-q ordered phases in the antiferromagnetic metal CeRh2Si2

13. 03. 2024
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, first floor, Ke Karlovu 5

talk: Andrej Pustogow New Spin on Mott Insulators and Quantum Spin Liquids: Stress Reduces Frustration

21. 02. 2024
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 3

talk: Taras Kovaliuk Anisotropic Magnetotransport Properties of Magnetic Shape Memory Heusler Alloy Ni50Mn25Ga20Fe5

10. 01. 2024
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 5

talk: Jaroslav Valenta Magnetism of YbCo2

13. 12. 2023
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 5

talk: Dominik Kriegner Altermagnetism: a new arena for compensated magnets

06. 12. 2023
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 5

talk: Jakub Zázvorka Skyrmion Diffusion a Lattices in Continuous Thin Films

29. 11. 2023
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 5, Prague

talk: Ladislav Straka Unlocking the Secrets of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys: A Twin Structure Perspective

22. 11. 2023
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 5

talk: Jiří Volný Sliding ferroelectricity in bulk misfit layer compound (PbS)1.18VS2

15. 11. 2023
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room f2, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Prague 2

talk: Ankit Labh Field-Dependent Magnetic Ordering Dome and Quantum Spin Fluctuations in the Natural Mineral Henmilite

08. 11. 2023
Seminář z magnetismu
Lecture room F2, first floor Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Prague 2

Seminar on Magnetism

Group of Magnetism and MGML organizes a regular magnetism seminar.

Usually, we meet
every Wednesday at 14:10
in lecture room F2
Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2.

You are welcome to join us!

If you wish to receive regular updates on fothcoming seminars, contact R. Colman.