Petr Král is happy with the award :)
The results of Petr Král, Ph.D. student at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, obtained within the MGML infrastructure were presented at the International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements 2022 held in Bordeaux, France. Petr was awarded a Best Poster prize for the communication entitled “Pressure effect on R2Cu2In intermetallics”.
Petr’s Ph.D. topic is focused on the R2T2X intermetallics crystallizing in the specific crystal structure type, which may result in the complex magnetism with the potential of Shastry-Sutherland frustration depending on the exchange interactions. Especially the pressure impact is investigated since mechanical pressure represents the unique tool for direct acting on the lattice and thus the related magnetic properties.
R2Cu2In compounds with R = Dy and Tm presented at SCTE conference represent the interesting members of R2T2X family. Ferromagnetic compound Dy2Cu2In was reported to exhibit the signs of spin-reorientation at lower temperatures. However, our studies signal on the origin of observed anomalies lying rather in the temperature evolution of anisotropy in this system. Tm2Cu2In is ferromagnet exhibiting glassy features probably related to the competing magnetic interactions in the Shastry-Sutherland-like Tm-planes. Pressure was found to have very weak impact on the ordering temperature, however the spin-glass properties described within the Vogel-Fulcher model are affected significantly, resulting in enhancement of the spin-glass character - three-order increase of relaxation time of single spin flip and corresponding decrease in activation energy of relaxation barrier.
Petr’s research is supported within the GAUK project 358121.
The poster can be downloaded here