prof. RNDr. Václav Holý, CSc.
- Oddělení
- Oddělení strukturní analýzy
- Telefon
- 95155 1389
- Domácí stránka
- Výuka Rozvrh Termíny zkoušek
- Vypsané a vedené práce
- Místnost / budova
F 047,
Ke Karlovu 5,
Ke Karlovu 2026/5, Praha 2 - ORCID
- 0000-0002-0370-6928
- ResearcherID
- E-1508-2017

studium: CSc: Universita J. E. Purkyně, Brno (nyní Masarykova Universita), ČSSR, 1982, Specializace: fyzika pevných látek, Disertace: Dynamical x-ray diffraction from randomly disordered crystals, školitel: Prof. V. Kapicka. Mgr: Universita J. E. Purkyně, Brno, ČSSR, 1976, Specializace: Experimentální fyzika, Diplomová práce: Dislocation structure of Al single crystals grown by recrystallization, školitel: Prof. R. Fiedler
Profesionální kariéra: Profesor, 2004-dosud, Universita Karlova Praha, Katedra fyziky kondenzovaých látek, Profesor, 2000–2003, 2017-present, Masarykova Universita v Brně, Ústav fyziky kondenzovaných látek, Visiting professor, 2000, 2001, University of Houston, USA, Department of Physics, Visiting professor 1994–1995, J. Kepler University Linz, Austria, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, docent 1995–2000, Masarykova Universita v Brně, Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek odborný asistent 1984–1995, Masarykova Universita v Brně, Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek asistent 1978–1984, Universita J. E. Purkyně v Brně, Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek asistent 1976–1978, Universita J. E. Purkyně v Brně, Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek
publikace: 403 článků v časopisech, asi 8330 citací (7520 bez autocitací), h-index 40 (říjen 2022, WoS), spoluautor dvou monografií
Konference: asi 40 ipozvaných referátů, asi 30 příspěvků (postery, přednášky)
Výzkumná témata: Numerické simulace ve fyzice pevných látek a teorii rtg difrakce, synchrotronvá měření, rtg rozptyl na epitaxních vrstvách, statistická teorie rozptylz, procesy samouspořádání při epitaxním růstu
jazyky: plynně německy, anglicky, rusky
Granty: 9 grantů GAČR(1994, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2011, 2014, 2019), 1 mezinárodní grant Visegrad group (2015–2020). 2 granty EU (2000, 2008), 1 grant European Science Foundation (2006)
členství v organizacích: Co-Editor of Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014 – 2022, Member of the CERIC panel, 2020 – dosud, Member of the Beamtime Allocation Panel Committee at ESRF, Grenoble, 2011– 2015, Member of the Beamtime Allocation Panel Committee at HASYLAB, Hamburg, 2015–2019 Member of the Beamtime Allocation Panel Committee at CERIC, Elettra/Trieste, 2020–present Member of the Advisory committee of the XTOP conferences, 1996 – present, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the ESRF, Grenoble, France, 2011 – 2014. Member of the Panel Review Committee at the ANKA synchrotron source, Karlsruhe, 2005 – 2008. Chairman of the program committee of the conferences XTOP, guest editor of special issues of J. Phys. D (2004) and J. Appl. Crystallography (2017). Member of the Regional Committee of the International Union of Crystallography, 1995 – 2004.
10 důležitých publikací:
[1] J. Stangl, V. Holý, G. Bauer, Structural properties of self-organized semiconductor nanostruc-tures, Rev. Mod. Physics 76, 725–783 (2004) (665 times cited, if=36.92)
[2] V. Holý, T. Baumbach, Nonspecular x-ray reflection from rough multilayers, Phys. Rev. B 49, 10668–10676 (1994) (459 times cited, if=3.84)
[3] G. Spingholz, V. Holý, M. Pinczolits, G. Bauer, Self-organized growth of three-dimensional quantum-dot crystals with fcc-like stacking and a tunable lattice constant, Science 282, 734–737 (1998) (435 times cited, if=37.20)
[4] V. Holý, G. Spingholz, M. Pinczolits, G. Bauer, Strain induced vertical and lateral correla-tions in quantum dot superlattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 356–359 (1999) (242 times cited, if=8.46)
[5] Park, B. G., Wunderlich, J., Marti, X., Holy, V., Kurosaki, Y., Yamada, M., Yamamoto, H., Nishide, A., Hayakawa, J., Takahashi, H., Shick, A. B., Jungwirth, T., A spin-valve-like magneto-resistance of an antiferromagnet-based tunnel junction, Nature Materials 10, 347–351 (2011) (150 times cited, if=36.503).
[6] G. Springholz, M. Pinczolits, P. Mayer, V. Holý, G. Bauer, H. H. Kang, L. Salamanca-Riba, Tuning of vertical and lateral correlations in self-organized PbSe/Pb1-xEuxTe quantum dot su-perlattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4669–4672 (2000) (134 times cited, if=8.46)
[7] A. A. Darhuber, P. Schittenhelm, V. Holý, J. Stangl, G. Bauer, G. Abstreiter, High-resolution x-ray diffraction from multilayered self-assembled Ge dots, Phys. Rev. B 55, 15652–15663 (1997) (116 times cited, if=3.84).
[8] M. Buljan, U. V. Desnica, M. Ivanda, N. Radic, P. Dubcek, G. Drazic, K. Salamon, S. Bern-storff, V. Holý, Formation of three-dimensional quantum-dot superlattices in amorphous systems: Experiments and Monte Carlo simulations, Phys. Rev. B 79, 035310 (2009) (51 times cited, if=3.84).
[9] X. Marti, P. Ferrer, J. Herrero-Albillos, J. Narvaez, V. Holý, N. Barrett, M. Alexe, G. Catalan, Skin Layer of BiFeO3 Single Crystals Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 236101 (2011) (61 times cited, if=8.46)
[10] Hrauda, N., Zhang, J., Wintersberger, E., Etzelstorfer, T., Mandl, B., Stangl, J., Carbone, D., Holy, V., Jovanovic, V., Biasotto, C., Nanver, L. K., Moers, J., Gruetzmacher, D., Bauer, G., X-ray Nanodiffraction on a Single SiGe Quantum Dot inside a Functioning Field-Effect Transistor, Nano Letters 11, 2875–2880 (2011) (48 times cited, if=13.779).
Důležité mezinárodní projekty:
[I] EU commission: Online Monitoring and In Situ Control of Epitaxy during Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition, consortium of Aixtron GmbH, Aachen, Thales TRT Paris, IQE Ltd. Cardiff, Sentech GmbH. Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin, J. Kepler Universitaet Linz, Pana-lytical B.V. Almelo and Masaryk University Brno, 1999–2003.
[II] EU commission: Nanostructured Magnetic Materials for Nanospintronics, consortium of University of Nottingham, Hitachi Europe Ltd., Institute of Physics CAS Prague, Universite Paris Sud XI, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Cambridge and Charles University in Prague, 2008–2012.
[III] Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Czech Republic: New generation of InGaN layers, quantum wells and wires grown on vicinal GaN substrates for optoelectronics and photovoltaics, consortium of Unipress Warsaw, Nagoya University and Charles University in Prague, 2015–2019.
[IV] Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Czech Republic: In-situ study of the growth kinet-ics of pulsed laser deposition of multiferroic complex oxides, consortium of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Charles University in Prague, 2019-present.