Seminar on Magnetism
Group of Magnetism at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics
of Charles University and MGML has a pleasure to invite you to attend the joint seminar
on 13th December 2023 at 14:10
at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2
Lecture room F2
Jaroslav Valenta
Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
Magnetism of YbCo2
Jaroslav Valenta » Magnetism of YbCo2
Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
Online link: Ask R. Colman for password.
Location: Lecture room F2, Ke Karlovu 5
Many of interesting properties observed in Ce and Yb-based compounds are understood by c-f interactions, and d-f interaction can be negligible. But there are compounds in which the d-f interaction plays a non-negligible role as CePt3 or YbAl3 [1, 2]. Our attention is focused on one of this kind of compounds. YbCo2 belongs to RCo2 series (R-rare earth element) which possess strong d-f electron interaction and are strong magnets. We performed detailed study of rarely known YbCo2 compound which is expected to be magnetic. Our results bring evidence of low temperature magnetic anomaly in measurement of specific heat, electrical resistivity and magnetization which will be presented together with the discussion about the origin.
[1] Goremychkin E A et al 2018 Science 359 186
[2] Cornelius A L et al 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 117201