19. 03. 2025 14:10

Hayato Muto » Tricritical Point in Antiferromagnetic CePtGe2 and (Ce0.5Y0.5)PtGe2

Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University

Online link: cesnet.zoom.us Ask R. Colman for password.

Location: Lecture room F2, first floor, Ke Karlovu 5

At a tricritical point, where three lines of critical points intersect, the coexistence of three phases is allowed[1]. Besides the typical example of 3He-4He mixtures, the point is also observed in antiferromagnets showing the metamagnetic transition. In their temperature-field phase diagram, the nature of transition changes from second to first order at the point.

CePtGe2 orders antiferromagnetically at 3.8 K and shows metamagnetic transition at 0.2 T with strong magnetic anisotropy[2]. The feature of the compound is having two crystallographically inequivalent Ce sites (4i and 4h) in its orthorhombic crystal structure. Recently, we revealed that Ce ions at 4i site host the antiferromagnetic ordering whereas ones at 4h contribute to a heavy-fermion state at low temperatures. Additionally, Y ions are found to replace Ce ions at 4h preferentially in (CexY1‒x)PtGe2 system[3].

In this talk, we focus on metamagnetism and recently observed tricriticality in the H-T phase diagram of (Ce0.5Y0.5)PtGe2 compound probed by magnetotransport. The suggested tricritical point will be discussed in comparison with the magnetic features of the parent CePtGe2.



[1] R. B. Griffiths, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24, 13 (1970).

[2] T. Nakano et. al., Phys. Rev. B 100, 035107 (2019).

[3] H. Muto et. al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 613, 172670 (2025).

Seminar on Magnetism

Group of Magnetism and MGML organizes a regular magnetism seminar.

Usually, we meet
every Wednesday at 14:10
in lecture room F2
Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2.

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