Past Seminars

talk: doc. RNDr. Karel Carva, Ph.D. et al. Special seminar on lectures related to condensed matter theory

22. 02. 2024
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Lecture room - F2, MFF UK (first floor, Ke Karlovu 5, Praha 2)

talk: Jan Kuneš X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Altermagnets

04. 01. 2024
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Lecture room F2, first floor - MFF UK, Ke Karlovu 5

talk: Pavel Baláž, Ph.D. In-plane Magnetic Skyrmion Valve Made of 90° Pinned Magnetic Domain Walls

21. 12. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

talk: Alberto Marmodoro, Ph.D. Manifestations of chirality induced spin selectivity (CISS) in terms of generalized transport and x-ray absorption within the inorganic Strukturbericht B20 crystal family: some ab-initio results

14. 12. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

talk: Mgr. Daniel Bobok Current-phase relationship of superconducting quantum devices

30. 11. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

talk: prof. RNDr. Zdenek Hradil, CSc. Uncertainty relations, simultaneous measurement, and phase-space representation for angle and angular momentum: new twist for an old pair

09. 11. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

talk: Ing. Tomáš Neuman, Ph.D. Teorie foto a elektroluminescence v rastrovacím tunelovacím mikroskopu

02. 11. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

talk: Mgr. Štěpán Marek Electronic Structure Effects in Molecular Junctions

26. 10. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

talk: Dr. Karel Výborný Control of transport in semiconducting MnTe by magnetic order

19. 10. 2023
Seminar of the Condensed Matter Theory
Seminar room KFKL, MFF UK (room F052 - ground floor near the rear staircase, Ke Karlovu 5)

Seminar on Condensed Matter Theory

Group of Theoretical Physics organizes a regular seminar on theory of condensed matter physics.

Usually, we meet
every Thursdays at 13:00
in seminar room F 052
Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2.

You are welcome to join us!

If you wish to receive regular updates on fothcoming seminars, contact K. Carva.